.. Pieces Of Me ..

August 25, 2010

a chubby princess?!

I can't use the nice words anymore,
because I used to chicken out by using them. 
I used to call myself plus size, 
used to call myself chubby. 
I used to call myself overweight.
- Star Jones -

I was born a dreamer, grew in a modest family with lovely parents and one big brother. And just like any other little girl, I dreamed of becoming a beautiful princess. Unfortunately the image of princesses I knew are white tall slim girls with blushing cheeks, plump lips, long wavy hair & bright shiny eyes. Oh wait a minute! That's so not ME! 
Mom told me how happy she was, when she gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl with weight 4,5kg (haha.. yup I am fat, corpulent, fleshy, chubby or-whatever-you-name-it since I was born).
I just knew right then, that my dream of becoming a pretty princess should never cross my mind ever again. 

Growing up with a bigger body than anybody else on my peer groups was never easy. Some were being nice by saying how cute it is to have big cheeks (yeh I remember when they happily pinched my cheeks), but others were pretty straightforward calling me "fatty", laughed when I was so bad on sport-class, mocked at the "XL" size logo on my clothes or even not letting me got in to the circle friends of what-so-called popular girls at school.

I am so used to hearing all those negative inputs about my body, and that's how I built my mind to think of myself as a shoddy figure, an unwanted person, someone who will never be good enough. 
And this even getting worse when I dated a guy, who complained a lot about my physical appearance : "your cheeks look like soup bowls", "I told you not to go out when the sun shines too bright, you see.. you look darker", "you look like rubber boat" and then he giggled. Well most of the times I took those words as jokes. But apparently those 'jokes' turned out to be the most honest thoughts he had of me. And that's been proved by several times I caught him cheated on me with white tall slim girls with blushing cheeks, plump lips, long wavy hair & bright shiny eyes (exactly.. those princess's figure!!!).

I spent quite long time hating the person I see in the mirror, how imperfect I am, how I hate the fact that life is much easier for girls with pretty-faces (it's shallow.. but hey reality check.. there's a million of shallow people living on earth haha even when you read this, I know you can already think of a shallow-person : someone from your work, your school, etc).

It took a long while to finally realize that it doesn't matter of what people think about me, doesn't really matter what they say about me. I suppose to know myself better than anyone does.
Yes I realize that I don't have a perfect body (it's also my fault because I hate to do sports *lol*), yes I am tan (how can I have light skin when both of my parents are tan?!), yes I don't have perfect teeth like those toothpaste's models, yes I have flat nose, chubby cheeks and rather big eyes. And so what?!
Put those things aside and you'll realize that there's a lot more to see in me! ^__^

I'm now come to the point where I realize that it's not important to be a princess that everyone adores, that everyone envies for her beauty, that could easily rob any prince's heart. 
I'm grateful for what I am and what I have. 
Remember "I think, therefore I am".. that's true.. you decide the way you think about yourself, then you will form your appearance and behavior as you thought.

1 thing that you all should know is that there's really nothing wrong with being "chubby", as long as you still healthy and happy with it (^_^)v

now why should I dream of becoming a drop dead beautiful princess, when I could be a queen in someone's eyes, who'll accept me flaws and all (someday)?!

chubby princess


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